Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cascade Eagle

It feels like an eagle kind of day :-)  Here are a few photos that I made of a bald eagle that had been feeding on a road-kill deer on Highway 61 as it goes through Cascade River State Park just south of Grand Marais.  There were actually two eagles in the area; this one was more tolerant and stayed perched on a dead birch top for quite a while.  The other one was too far away to get any good photos.  After about 20 minutes of watching this one perched on the dead tree, it took flight and went further down the highway. 

I was thrilled to be able to come away with these images!  It's not easy photographing eagles on road-kill deer, as the ravens usually get them to scatter before you can get close enough for any kind of decent photo.  This one paid the ravens no mind when they flew off as I approached very slowly in my vehicle on the opposite side of the highway.  I didn't notice it at the time but when I got home and looked at the images I noticed that this eagle had a band around each leg.  You can see the bands if you look closely at the first photo.  The weather forecast looks really good for the weekend, so I hope you get a chance to get out and do some exploring, perhaps you'll see an eagle or two for yourself :-) 

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