Sunday, January 11, 2015

Siskins and Redpolls

During our last snow storm I was driving along Old Highway 61 in Grand Portage when I came across this flock of birds that kept landing on the road.  I noticed them fluttering around the roadway when I rounded a corner so I stopped the truck and approached them on foot.  Half a dozen or so would come out of the trees at a time, then land on the same spot of the road.  After a while the whole group would burst up into the air, then start landing again half a dozen or so at a time. I approached within about 100 feet and planted my tripod in the snow to make this picture.  Most of them were Pine Siskins but I noticed some Redpolls in there as well.  It looked like they were landing on a clump of sandy/salty snow that fell off a passing vehicle. 

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